We hope you enjoy using this website. Please do not hesitate to send us your remarks, ideas or comments to improve this website via our "contact" page.


Definitions of terms.

- "Content" means all information, publications, texts, images, videos, features, functions, programs, services and other documents available on or via the webshop.
- "Personal data" means all the information that you provide to the Company in the context of your use of the webshop and which identifies you or can be used to identify you personally, including, without limitation, your name, postal address, email and telephone.
- "Privacy Notice" means the privacy and cookie notice, which is accessible on this site.
- "The company" means the Belgian company Refinery.brussels, having its registered office at 1140 Evere, Belgium.

Acceptance of conditions.

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and the company regarding the webshop and the content and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written, in this regard. Please read these conditions carefully before using the webshop. By using the webshop, you accept and agree to be bound by these conditions. If you do not agree or agree to be bound by these conditions, you may not use the webshop. The Company may revise these Terms at any time at the Company's sole discretion. These revisions will come into effect as soon as they are posted and will apply to any use of the webshop thereafter. Your continued use of the webshop after the posting of revised conditions means that you accept and agree to be bound by these conditions. You are required to review these Terms periodically and to notify yourself of any revisions.

Access to the webshop.

The company may at its sole discretion: interrupt or modify the webshop at any time, withdraw, suspend or restrict your access to all or part of the webshop at any time, with or without notice. The company will not be liable if for any reason the webshop is interrupted or modified or if your access is withdrawn, suspended or restricted. The webshop is intended only for users aged 18 or over. By using the webshop, you represent and warrant to the company that you are 18 years of age or over.

Personal data.

You may be asked to provide certain personal data in order to access the webshop. All personal data you provide must be correct, up-to-date and complete. You acknowledge and agree that any Personal Data you provide to the company may be collected, stored and processed in accordance with the Privacy Statement.

Customer account security.

If you choose or receive a username, password or other login information as part of your use of the webshop, you will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login information and for all measures taken. using this information. You must notify the company immediately of any unauthorized use of your login information.

Intellectual property.

The webshop and the content are the property of the company and its licensors and are protected by certain patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws. Use of the webshop or content in violation of these conditions may result in a violation of these laws. No right, title or interest in or in the webshop or the content is transferred or acquired by you as a result of your use of the webshop or the content. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works, display, perform, republish, download, store or transmit any part of the webshop or the content without the company's prior written consent, except in the following cases: (I) your computer and other electronic devices may temporarily store copies of the webshop and content in RAM due to your use of the webshop and the content; (II) you can store files which are automatically cached by your Internet browser to improve the display of the webshop and the content; (III) you can download and print a copy of the webshop and the content for your personal use and not for further reproduction, publication or distribution. If you use, copy or modify the webshop or the content in violation of these terms, then: (i) your right to use the webshop and the content will cease immediately; (ii) you must, at the option of the company, return or destroy any copy of the webshop or the content you have made; and (iii) you may be subject to civil and criminal penalties. If you wish to use the webshop or the content other than as indicated in this Section, please contact the company via their contact page.

Trademarks and service marks.

The company name, company logo and all associated names, logos and designs on the webshop are among the trademarks and service marks owned by the company. You may not use such marks without the prior written consent of the company n.v./s.a. If you wish to obtain such consent, please contact the company. All other trademarks and service marks on the webshop are the property of their respective owners and may not be used without the prior written consent of that owner.


All copyrighted and protected material on the webshop, including, but not limited to, the content, is copyrighted, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, by the company or its licensors. Licence. Unless otherwise specified in these terms, you may not copy, reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works, display, perform, republish, download, store or transmit such materials without the prior written consent of The Company or of its licensors. If you wish to obtain such consent, please contact the company through their contact page. The company respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that the webshop or the content infringes your intellectual property rights or those of a third party, please notify the company immediately.

Prohibited uses.

You may only use the webshop for lawful purposes and in accordance with these conditions. You may not use the webshop: (I) in a manner that violates any applicable laws, rules or regulations; (II) send, knowingly receive, download, use or reuse any material that does not comply with the content standards set forth herein ; (III) transmit or cause to be transmitted any advertising or promotional material, including junk mail, spam or any similar solicitation; (IV) impersonate or attempt to impersonate the company, a company employee or any other person or entity; or else (V) in a way which restricts or interferes with the use or enjoyment of the webshop by another party or which, in the sole discretion of the company, may harm the company, the webshop or the users from the webshop. You also agree not to (VI) use a robot or any other automatic device, software or means to access, use or copy the webshop or the content; (VII) introduce any malicious software, including, without limitation, viruses, Trojans or the like, to the company, the webshop or the users of the webshop; (VIII) obtain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of the webshop, the content, the server on which the webshop is hosted, or any server, computer or database connected to the webshop; or (IX) attack the webshop with a direct or distributed denial of service (“DoS”) attack.

Links and SEO.

You may link to the webshop only if you do so in a way that: (I) complies with these Terms; (II) does not interfere with, damage or disrupt the webshop; (III) does not present the business or any of its products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory or otherwise defamatory manner; and (IV) does not suggest any association with, approval or endorsement by the company without its prior written consent. The webshop may also contain links to third party sites. These links are provided for your convenience and inclusion only and do not imply any association, endorsement or endorsement by the company, unless otherwise noted. The company has no control over these sites and makes no representations or warranties regarding the functionality or content of these sites. You use these sites at your own risk and company is not responsible for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of these sites. Please note that when you leave the webshop, these conditions no longer apply and you should review the terms and conditions applicable to the linked third party site.

Precious metal prices and disseminated content.

The webshop contains information about the prices of precious metals. This information: (i) is provided for general information purposes only; (II) may not be provided in real time; (III) is not and should not be interpreted as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe to an investment; and (IV) is based on information the company has obtained from sources it believes to be reliable, but which the company has not independently verified. The company makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information. The company also does not make any statements or predictions regarding: (i) the future value of any precious metal referenced in this information: (ii) the ability of investors, buyers or lessors to make a profit on any precious metal; (iii) or the ability of investors, buyers or lessors to liquidate any precious metal. The Content is provided for general information purposes only. The company does not represent or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the Content. The Company accepts no liability arising from the reliance on the content by you or anyone who may be informed of its content. Such statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the company. The company is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any Content provided by third parties.

Disclaimer of warranty.

The company does not represent, guarantee or guarantee that any file available for download from the webshop will be free from viruses or any other destructive code. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures to meet your particular virus, data and privacy protection requirements. You are also responsible for maintaining a means, other than the webshop, to reconstruct lost data. You also acknowledge that, in general, the transmission of information over the Internet is never completely secure, private or confidential. Therefore, you agree that any information sent or received by the webshop may be intercepted, decrypted, viewed and used by third parties, even if the exchange of this information is encrypted. The company will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by any virus, DoS attack or any other technologically harmful material that could infect your computer, device, programs, software or data as a result of your use of the webshop or any website. linked to the webshop. Your use of the webshop and the content is at your own risk. The webshop and the content are provided "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE", without any representation or warranty. The company hereby disclaims all representations and warranties of any kind, express or implied, relating to the webshop and the content, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement and suitability. for a particular use. Neither The Company nor any person associated with The Company makes any representations or warranties that: (i) the webshop or the content will be accurate, complete, useful, reliable, error-free or interrupted; (ii) any defect in the webshop will be corrected; or (iii) the server which hosts the webshop will be available or free of viruses or other harmful components.

Limitation of Liability.

Neither the company nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, successors, assigns, licensors, insurers or service providers can be held liable for any damage of any kind whatsoever, under '' any legal theory, resulting from or in connection with your use of or inability to use the webshop, the content or any online store related to the webshop. The company hereby disclaims all direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential and punitive damages, including, without limitation, loss of use, loss of goodwill, loss of data, caused by your use or your inability to use the webshop, the content or any online store linked to the webshop, even if such damage was foreseeable. The foregoing does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


You shall indemnify, defend and hold the Company, including its shareholders, directors, employees, agents, successors, assigns, licensors, insurers and service providers, free from all claims, liability, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses or fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to your breach of these Terms or your use of the webshop, including, without limitation, your use of the content.

Applicable law, jurisdiction and place, Waiver and severability.

These conditions are governed by Belgian law. Any conflict, controversy or dispute concerning the webshop, the content or these conditions must be resolved in accordance with these laws and exclusively before a competent court, in French, located in Brussels, Belgium. You hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent to the jurisdiction, language and location of court. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then it will be severed from these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected. Any delay or failure to enforce any provision of these Terms will not constitute a waiver of these or any other provision.

END OF TERMS OF USE: Last update June 2021.