Privacy and security are of the utmost importance to our business. We do everything to ensure that our technical and organizational measures in place respect your data protection rights. This Privacy Policy describes our rules regarding the management, processing and storage of personal data submitted as part of our services. The term “personal data” designates information relating to an identified legal and natural person or who can be identified.


1.1. "The company" means the company incorporated under Belgian law Refinery.Brussels SRL in 1140 Evere.
1.2. "Webshop" means the site offering the Goods or products at the address:
1.3. Physical or moral “Client” designates the party that issues a PO.
1.4. "Goods or products" means the precious metals associated with and subject to a ML.


By registering for our services or by filling out a contact form on our webshop and / or website, you agree and accept that the company may collect, process, store and / or use the personal data submitted in accordance with the rules set out. below. By giving us your consent, you also retain the right to rectification, the right to be forgotten and / or the right to have your personal data deleted.


When you register for our services, the following data is collected and processed: email, first name, last name, if applicable, password, postal address, telephone number, IP address (es) and domain name. By using our services, the following data is collected and processed: connection data and navigation data when you authorize it, order history, complaints, incidents and correspondence on our site. Some data is collected automatically as a result of your actions on the site. Purposes of processing The main objective of collecting your personal data is to provide you with the best, optimal, efficient, secure and personalized experience. To this end, you agree that we may use your personal data to: (I) provide our services and facilitate their operation, including by carrying out checks concerning you; (II) Resolve any problems in order to improve the use of our site and our services; (III) Personalize, evaluate, improve our services and documentation; (IV) Analyze the volume and history of your use of our services; (V) Inform you about our services and those of our partner companies; (VI) Comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. For our newsletters and other e-mails we process your personal data on the basis of the explicit consent you have given for this purpose. You can easily unsubscribe by following the unsubscribe links in each of these emails. Without this being systematic, we can analyze and track the different rates (for example clicks, open and bounce rate) and the number of emails sent in order to measure the performance of our emailing campaigns.

Recipients of your data The personal data concerning you collected on the site are intended for the company's own use and may be transmitted to subcontracting companies which the company may call upon as part of the performance of its services (for example delivery ). The company ensures compliance with data protection requirements for all of its subcontractors. In any case, our company does not transfer your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. In addition, the company does not disclose your personal data to third parties, unless: (I) you request or authorize disclosure. (II) the disclosure is required to process transactions or provide services you have requested; (III) the business is compelled by a government authority or regulatory body, upon judicial requisition, subpoena or other similar governmental or judicial requirement, or to establish or defend a legal claim; or (IV) the third party acts as an agent or subcontractor of the company in the performance of the services. Your data protection rights In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (RGPD), you have the rights to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning you which you can exercise by sending us an e-mail via the tab "Contact" of this website. Your queries will be answered within 30 days. We may ask that your request be accompanied by a photocopy of proof of identity or authority. You retain the right to file a complaint for breach of the protection of your data, with the Data Protection Authority headquartered at: Rue de la Presse 35 in 1000 Brussels,, contact @ adp- Cookies / Traking The purpose of the cookies used by the company is to facilitate communication, to allow the provision of services requested by users, to recognize users during a next visit, to secure payments that users may be required to make, to record the language spoken by users or other preferences necessary for the provision of our services. Generally, the company uses cookies for the purpose of improving and personalizing the site and / or measuring its audience. Cookies are small files saved on your computer's hard drive when you browse the Internet and in particular on our sites. A cookie is not used to collect personal data without your knowledge but to record information relating to your browsing on the site which can be directly read by the website of our company during your visits and subsequent requests on the site. If you choose to refuse all cookies, your browsing may be reduced. Our company also uses analytics and tracking tools (Google Analytics anonymously) to measure website data and digital data to gain customer insight, perform browsing experience analytics in order to improve content and send targeted advertising. By default, cookies are not automatically installed (with the exception of cookies necessary for the operation of the site and company services, the installation of which is indicated to you by a banner). In accordance with applicable regulations, the company will ask for your permission before placing any other type of cookies on your hard drive. In order to avoid any inconvenience caused by these systematic authorization requests and to enjoy uninterrupted browsing, you can configure your computer to accept company cookies or we can remember your refusal or acceptance relating to certain cookies. By default, browsers accept all cookies. When you access third party sites, the company assumes no responsibility for the possible use of cookies by these third parties. For more details, you are advised to consult their policy on the use of cookies directly on these advertiser or third-party sites.

Nom du cookie



Informations complémentaires



This session cookie assigns an identification number to each visitor so that they can navigate the website correctly.



Google Analytics

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use the website. We use this information to compile reports and to help us improve the website. Cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of website visitors, where visitors have come from on the website and the pages they have visited.


Google Analytics


Google Analytics


The company collects your personal data for the purposes of fulfilling its contractual obligations as well as information on how and how often we use our services and we keep this data in active databases, log files or other types of files as long as you use our services. You will be able to access your personal data as long as your account remains active and for a period which may vary depending on the type of data concerned.


The hosting servers on which the company processes and stores databases are exclusively located within the European Union. The company will inform you immediately, if legally requested, in the event of a request from an administrative or judicial authority relating to your data.


As part of its services, the company attaches the utmost importance to the security and integrity of the personal data of its customers. Thus, and in accordance with the GDPR, the company undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of data and in particular to protect them against any accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of unlawful processing or communication to unauthorized persons. To this end, the company implements industry standard security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized disclosure. Using industry-recommended encoding methods, the company takes steps to protect bank and credit card and payment information. In addition, in order to avoid, in particular, any unauthorized access and to guarantee the accuracy and proper use of the data, the company has put in place appropriate electronic, physical and supervisory procedures in order to safeguard and preserve the data. collected. Even so, no one can consider themselves completely safe from a pirate attack. This is why in the event that a security breach was to impact you, the company undertakes to inform you as soon as possible and to make its best efforts to take all possible measures to neutralize the intrusion and to minimize it. the impacts. In the event that you suffer damage as a result of the exploitation of a security breach by a third party, the company undertakes to provide you with all the necessary assistance so that you can assert your rights. It should be borne in mind that any user, client or hacker who discovers a security breach and the operator is liable to criminal penalties and that the company will take all measures, including through a filing of complaint and / or legal action, to preserve the data and rights of its users and its own and to limit their impact as much as possible.


The company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, in particular in application of changes to the laws and regulations in force. Any changes made will be notified to you via our website or by email, as far as possible at least thirty (30) days before they take effect. We recommend that you check these rules from time to time to stay informed of our procedures and rules regarding your personal information.